The Crate Escape

Skyler P.

Level 3 Kennel Attendant

With The Crate Escape since: March 2022

What is the strangest thing you've eaten?
It's a tie between Durian Fruit and Shark. Durian tastes exactly how it smells, gasoline and medicine. Shark only tastes like chicken, which was disappointing.

What TV sitcom family would you be a member of?
The Forman's in That 70's Show

What is your favorite movie quote?
"Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for this all to blow over." -At Worlds End

Bark All About It

Our 10 year old Viszla, Gracie, has been going to the Crate Escape since she was 6 months old. We have always been very pleased with the personalized care and love she receives with each visit. It’s a very clean, bright environment and the staff is wonderful! For Gracie, it’s her “home away from home.”

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