The Crate Escape

Alexa Q.

Level 3 Kennel Attendant

With The Crate Escape since: March 2022

Describe yourself in three words
friendly, motivated, and thoughtful

If you were a breed of dog, what breed would you be and why?
If I were a breed of dog, I'd be a Frenchie because they can be hyper, but also a little bit lazy.

If you were a flavor of ice cream what would you be and why?
If I were an ice cream flavor, I'd be coffee ice cream because it's sweet, but also a little strong.

Bark All About It

We have been bringing Eli, our English Boston Bulldog, to The Crate Escape for almost 6 years for daycare a couple times a week, and also for overnight stays. Eli gets so excited when we tell him he is going to "daycare." The owner Chris and the rest of the staff are very friendly, and take the time to get to know the dogs. We are confident that Eli is in excellent hands when he is there.

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